At NewTec HR Consulting, we render end-to-end services for Manpower consultancy. We provide the exceptional ones and we know how and where to find them. Our human resource management consultant solution is specially designed as per the client’s requirements.


   Our Services include:-


   Manpower Recruitment


   Project Based Hiring

   Manpower Recruitment

We provide organizations with a complete recruiting solution which include efficiently screen, select the most qualified and suitable candidates for current job openings. Human Resource is the building block of any company’s consistency and growth. At our level, we understand that for a growing company each block should be sound and perfect. We discern and measure each requirement professionally with total involvement and sharing the responsibility of bringing the best resource for job on board.

We enable organizations to offload workforce management by providing them a highly skilled, trained and productive flexible work force. We provide comprehensive, highly effective programs and services that enable our customers to select the best staffing options for their organizations. We sit down with our clients, analyze their needs, and suggest a solution that works best for them and their budget.


   Project Based Hiring

We provide specialized project based hiring solutions which are designed to meet the “just- in-time” hiring needs of the clients. Outsourcing project based hiring assignments proves effective in situations, like opening of a new branch, temporary or contract based hiring, seasonal hiring, sudden recruitment challenges etc. NewTec HR Consulting is equipped with talented resources, unmatched industry experience & a dedicated team for managing your project specific hiring needs. We are an extensive process oriented company which helps us to deliver quality services in shortest time frame.


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For End to End Staffing Solutions